Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Good And Bad Of The New American Food Plate

In June 2012 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) replaced the "Food Pyramid" with a "Food Plate" urging Americans to eat a more plant-based diet of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and lean protein, together with fat-free or 1% milk.

At a quick look, this food Menu is already a lot prior to both the 1992 and 2005 food Pyramids. It is not a chart but a food dish, which is much easier to imagine at the desk. The foods Menu no longer focuses on that grain should make up the majority of your diet and it improves the suggested amounts of fruit and vegetables to half of your dish.

However, the food Menu is still far from an perfect diet program that can handle maximum health and wellness. If you are trying to follow the recommendations of the Meals Menu, you should be aware of its disadvantages described below.

The Missing Fats : The system fat group is practically non-existent on this new Meals Menu which endorses dieting plan low in human extra fat. Apart from a small amount in the lean protein and low-fat use products products, there is no recommendation of any additional human extra fat.

For one, fat is essential for many human body functions. Human beings cannot survive without human extra fat in the eating plan plan, especially the fat such as Ω 3 and 6, which cannot be produced by one's human body and have to be obtained from the foodstuff. Dietary fats:

help you stay complete and even out your system sugar levels fluctuations,
are needed for the absorption of fat-soluble natural vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and minerals,
are the building blocks of cell membranes and a variety of hormones,
serve as an important energy store for one's human body,
play a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair, and
are necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.
The Meals Menu fails to mention any of the following healthy human extra fat or warn against the intake of the unhealthy ones.

Healthy fats

Contrary to conventional advice, human extra fat from natural, grass-fed creatures (meats, butter, and dairy) are actually good for you. Latest long-term research there is no evidence that human extra fat lead to probabilities of center problems. However, be aware that human extra fat from conventionally-raised creatures are of much lower quality as they are generally injected with hormones and antibiotics that tend to accumulate in the fat.
Monounsaturated human extra fat from olive oil and avocados. As olive oil has a low smoking point, limit its use to salads and low to moderate heat cooking.
Omega-3 human extra fat from unhealthy fish caught in fresh, pristine waters. Wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, herrings, and anchovies are fish with minimal levels of mercury.
Omega 6 human extra fat from raw seeds. Raw nut products are better than roasted nut products as one's human extra fat in the nut products are fragile in nature and tend to go rancid at great temperatures.
Unhealthy fats

Trans human extra fat found in processed foods and foods that are fried, such as French fries, fried chicken, doughnuts, cookies, pastries, and crackers. This type of fat, as opposed to human extra fat, raises LDL ("bad") trans fat, decreases HDL ("good") trans fat, clogs your arteries, and leads to increased chance of center problems.
Refined oils made from maize, soybean, canola, safflower, and sunflower. These oils have been processed under great temperatures and are practically rancid. In addition, most maize, soybean, and canola come from genetically modified crops that have been heavily sprayed with bug sprays.
Low-Fat Dairy Not Your Healthiest Choice

Unfortunately, based on the misguided information that fats is bad for you, the new Meals Menu recommends People in America to consume low-fat and non-fat use products products. Many studies have now proven that one's human extra fat in natural use products products, in particular, the raw version, are in reality beneficial to you.

Research shows that full-fat use products products may help reduce your chance of many diseases:

Diabetes. Paleolithic acidity in use products products fat protects against system insulin level of resistance and decreases chance of diabetes.
Heart condition. Paleolithic acidity results in healthier levels of system trans fat and inflammatory markers.
Cancer. Conjugated Olenolin acidity (CLA) in use products products fat reduces tumor growth and decreases chance of cancer.
Weight management. A 9-year study of 19,000 normal body weight, middle-aged women found that those who ate at least one serving of full-fat use products products a day gained 30% less body weight than women who did not.
Best type of dairy

The healthiest is raw, natural, full-fat use products products from grass-fed creatures. Raw use products products does not go through pasteurization or homogenization.

Pasteurization is a process of heating the use products to a warm for a short period of time and then cooling it immediately. This process destroys enzymes, natural vitamins B6, B12, and C, kills beneficial bacteria, and denatures fragile use products proteins.

Homogenization is a process that breaks down the butterfat globules by forcing the use products through a series of screens at questionable so that they become the same size particles as the rest of the use products. The resulting fat particles become so small they stay in suspension rather than rise to the top of the use products.

Some studies showed that homogenization makes the fat more susceptible to rancidity and oxidation and that homogenized human extra fat may be one of the contributing factors to center problems.

Your next best choice is use products products from natural, pasteurized but non-homogenized use products.

For more information about use products products, please go to Should You Eat Non-fat Or Low-fat Dairy?

Too Much Fruits

The new Meals Menu suggests making half the dish fruits and veggies. Emphasizing on more vegetables is indeed a step in the right direction, however, making fruit almost the same amount as vegetables is probably too much for a lot of people.

It is true that fruit are an excellent source of natural vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, but fruit are also great in fruit sugar, or fructose. Fructose is metabolized differently from sugar. (Sugar is 50% sugar, 50% fructose.)

The entire burden of metabolizing fructose falls on your liver, whereas with sugar, your liver breaks down only 20%. Besides, every cell in your human body uses sugar, so unless you consume in excess, it gets burned up by one's human body.

Fructose, on the other hand, is turned into fat (VLDL and triglycerides) and deposited throughout your human body. Over intake of fructose has far reaching effects on you health. It leads to:

Weight gain, abdominal obesity, increased LDL ("bad") trans fat, decreased HDL ("good") trans fat, increased triglycerides (fat in blood), elevated system sugar levels, and hypertension - the classic metabolic syndrome.
Non-alcoholic unhealthy liver condition.
Insulin level of resistance. One in three People in America have system insulin level of resistance, this includes the per-diabetics and the diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetics.
Elevated the crystals (which is related to gout, kidney stones, kidney condition, hypertension, or center disease) and chronic inflammation in one's human body.
Knowing this, it is not wise to over consume fruit, in particular fruit juice. For those who are already system insulin resistant, you should avoid fruit all together but instead eat plenty of above ground vegetables. You will get the same natural vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber without the negative effects of fructose.

How do you know if you are system insulin resistant? You can get a system test for your fasting system insulin level and see if it is over 5 uIU/ml. If you are overweight, have diabetes, hypertension, and great trans fat, it is a reasonable bet that you may have system insulin level of resistance.

Eat More CLEAN Veggies

A smart choice for your health is to substantially increase your vegetable intake (except maize and potatoes). Yet, bear in mind that many vegetables are loaded with bug sprays which are carcinogenic and damaging to your immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

For the following veggies, you should definitely buy natural as they retain great levels of pesticides:

Green beans
Green onions
Hot peppers
Sweet bell peppers
Less Grains

The new Meals Menu recommends feed intake to be about 30% of your daily eating plan and suggests making at least half your feed whole feed. This is a huge improvement over the previous Meals Pyramids which recommended feed to be the majority of your daily eating plan. However, since two-thirds of the People in America are either overweight or obese, eating this much feed is the last thing you want to do to shed body weight.

Many people are still being misled that the so-called "good" crabs like whole feed or fruit won't make you fat. The truth is: whether it is whole feed, sprouted feed, or refined feed, all feed break down to sugar. Over intake of any feed or fruit will lead to system insulin level of resistance and extra body weight.

Bottom Line

Make sure you include some healthy human extra fat eating plan. They include fats from grass-fed creatures, monounsaturated fat from olive oil and avocados, omega-3 from fish caught in fresh, pristine waters, and omega-6 from raw seeds.
Best use products products is raw and full-fat from grass-fed creatures. Second best is natural, pasteurized but not homogenized use products products.
Regular over intake of fruit and feed, be it whole or refined, may lead to system insulin level of resistance, extra body weight, and many chronic diseases.
Eat plenty of fresh veggies.

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